The certificate to confirm granting clinker NANOMORTAR with the EUROPEAN PATENT

By the decision of the European Patent Office, based in Munich, the invention being the clinker nanomortar developed by Alpol company has been patented in the European Union countries. Granting the patent was preceded by several years of research and analysis in accordance with the harmonized procedure of the European Patent Office, with the view to confirm the innovative character of the declared product. The clinker nanomortar was created in a research laboratory of Alpol Gips company to tackle the common problem of patches of efflorescence occurring on structures made of clinker brick. Using nano-size additives, we developed a product that is highly resistant to efflorescence. Obtaining such a high resistance was possible thanks to reducing the migration of dissolved salts, which are responsible for the formation of unsightly efflorescence on clinker brick structures.


The fact we have been granted the European Patent prevents other entities from producing and distributing the product with proprietary quantitative and qualitative composition without a permission of the owner being Alpol Gips company.